Rate Setting Tool
This tool was developed as a sample to help CCS providers in the CWHP region determine all of the costs associated with providing CCS. It is NOT recommended that this tool simply be sent to a provider for their completion. Rather, a relational approach is recommended that includes the following critical partners - the CCS Provider, the County CCS Service Director / Program Coordinator, and Fiscal Manager. The CCS Regional Coordinator may also be included, if desired. Questions that arise should be captured and used for quality improvement purposes.
Download Sample Tool (updated 9-27-21)
Video: Overview of the Sample Rate-Setting Tool (30 minutes)
Video: Walkthrough Completion of Tool using Scenario (38 minutes - See Part 2: Billing and Rate Setting video)
Disclaimer: This Provider Rate Worksheet spreadsheet was adapted by White Pine Consulting Service for use by the Central Wisconsin Health Partnership shared services CCS program, from a similar spreadsheet developed by and for use in the Western Regional Recovery and Wellness Consortium multi-county CCS program.
The spreadsheet worksheets are not password protected. Counties, Tribes, contracted service providers, or other CCS regions who choose to use or adapt this tool should carefully review it to ensure complete understanding of its logic. White Pine Consulting and/or the CWHP counties cannot be responsible for incorrect use of the tool, or unintended errors that may be present in any of the worksheets or formulas. Feedback is welcome; please provide to Lori Martin, CWHP CCS Coordinator: lori.martin@cwhpartnership.org.
All costs must meet the standards outlined in the Wisconsin Department of Health Services Allowable Cost Policy Manual: https://www.dhs.wisconsin.gov/business/allow-cost-manual.htm
Regional Toolkit
CCS Statewide QA/QI Workgroup
CWHP Sample
Green Lake
Note: used with new workers; lists all needed paperwork; could be used for file review.
Note: used for quarterly chart reviews (each quarter a different topic is picked for review)
Sample from other Regions
Staying Safe while Working with Clients
Billable Costs
​Providing Services in Groups
Minimum Qualifications for Master and Bachelor Level CCS Providers
Determining CCS Provider Orientation and Training Needs
Assessing and addressing needs of consumers who move between counties in our region